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Data sheets and downloads
03 Apr. 2024
Data sheets can now be opened in the quick tabs | Data sheets, downloads and videos were previously displayed in the product details directly under the item images in a separate web space and therefore always had to be loaded, even if they were not currently needed. Now this information, which essentially represents a summary of the texts from the Quicktab tabs "Descriptions & Information" and the "Technical Specifications", is moved to its own tab "Data Sheets & Downloads". Since the content of this tab is only displayed when necessary, the loading time of the entire product view is shortened. Furthermore, during this relocation campaign, older product data sheets will be brought up to date. For products that contain embedded videos, you no longer go to their original pages to play them, but rather the content is displayed directly in the shop. This means that it is no longer necessary to load the source page or exit from it and return to the shop. This also simplifies operation and increases the speed with which the desired data can be displayed. The videos are displayed in the same overlay in which zoomed product images are also displayed. To end the photo view or playback of the video, simply click in the grayed out area next to the video or photo and you will be back at the desired product. |
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