HPE Pointnext Tech Care (HPE Tech Care) is the operational support experience for HPE hardware and software products (HPE Products). HPE Tech Care helps IT teams focus on moving businesses forward by proactively finding better ways to get things done, as opposed to just focusing on reactive problems.<br><br>HPE Tech Care goes beyond traditional support, enabling direct access to product-specific specialists and providing general technical guidance that helps customers not only reduce risk, but continually find ways to get things done more efficiently. HPE Tech Care customers can receive support through multiple channels, including via phone, HPE-moderated forums with defined response times, automated incident logging, and a real-time chat facility. The service provides access to expert technical resources with specialized knowledge of the hardware or software, in the context of the specific workload, and saves the customer from having to spend time answering questions about triage or whether the caller is the right person to request service. HPE Tech Care goes beyond traditional support by providing general technical advice for the operation, management, and security of the Supported Product.<br><br>HPE Support Center provides an enhanced and personalized digital experience that helps customers manage their assets by recognizing the products they have installed and how they interact with each other. New self-service tools allow customers to perform certain activities without having to open a support ticket, and also provide them with a portal of supervised knowledge resources.